Feb 1, 2019 | News Articles
Conventional readout of a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector (SNSPD) sets an upper bound on the output voltage to be the product of the bias current and the load impedance, IB × Zload, where Zload is limited to 50 Ω in standard r.f. electronics. Here, we...
Oct 15, 2018 | News Articles
Functionality of superconducting thin-film devices such as superconducting nanowire single photon detectors stems from the geometric effects that take place at the nanoscale. The engineering of these technologies requires high-resolution patterning, often achieved...
Sep 19, 2018 | News Articles
Summer Program: Studying superconducting thin film This summer, Lily Hallett investigated superconducting MoN thin films for use in nanowire single-photon detectors. She optimized deposition conditions for DC Magnetron Sputtering of MoN films and studied their...
Jun 14, 2018 | News Articles
Many superconducting technologies such as rapid single-flux quantum computing and superconducting quantum-interference devices rely on the modulation of nonlinear dynamics in Josephson junctions for functionality. More recently, however, superconducting devices have...
Jun 7, 2018 | News Articles
Congratulations to Navid Abedzadeh for being awarded Best Electron Beam and congratulations to Emily Toomey, Marco Colangelo and Navid Abedzadeh for the honorable mention in the Micrograph Contest at this year’s EIPBN conference in Puerto Rico. All the competing...
Jun 6, 2018 | News Articles
Coincidence detection of single photons is crucial in numerous quantum technologies and usually requires multiple time-resolved single-photon detectors. However, the electronic readout becomes a major challenge when the measurement basis scales to large numbers of...