Apr 30, 2021 | News Articles
Refractory materials exhibit high damage tolerance, which is attractive for the creation of nanoscale field-emission electronics and optoelectronics applications that require operation at high peak current densities and optical intensities. Recent results have...
Apr 15, 2021 | News Articles
We demonstrate an on-chip, optoelectronic device capable of sampling arbitrary, low-energy, near-infrared waveforms under ambient conditions with sub-optical-cycle resolution. Our detector uses field-driven photoemission from resonant nanoantennas to create attosecond...
Apr 1, 2021 | News Articles
Congratulations to Owen Medeiros on receiving the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship. This prestigious and competitive award will support his work for three years.
Apr 1, 2021 | News Articles, Uncategorized
Congratulations to Emma Batson and Owen Medeiros on receiving the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. This prestigious and competitive award will support their work for three years. a
Feb 26, 2021 | News Articles
In this work, we investigate multiphoton and optical field tunneling emission from metallic surfaces with nanoscale vacuum gaps. Using time-dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE) simulations, we find that the properties of the emitted photocurrent in such systems can...
Feb 25, 2021 | News Articles
Developing compact, low-dissipation, cryogenic-compatible microwave electronics is essential for scaling up low-temperature quantum computing systems. In this paper, we demonstrate an ultracompact microwave directional forward coupler based on high-impedance slow-wave...