Feb 2, 2021 | News Articles
We present a comprehensive study of molybdenum nitride (MoN) thin film deposition using direct current reactive magnetron sputtering. We have investigated the effect of various deposition conditions on the superconducting and electrical properties of the films....
Feb 2, 2021 | News Articles
Current crowding at bends of superconducting nanowire single-photon detector (SNSPD) is one of the main factors limiting the performance of meander-style detectors with large filling factors. In this paper, we propose a new concept to reduce the influence of the...
Oct 7, 2020 | News Articles
As the limits of traditional von Neumann computing come into view, the brain’s ability to communicate vast quantities of information using low-power spikes has become an increasing source of inspiration for alternative architectures. Key to the success of these...
Sep 4, 2020 | News Articles
The use of an intervening adhesion layer is essential in reliable fabrication of noble metallic nanostructures for optical and electronic devices. However, many emerging applications such as plasmonics and transfer printing raise the demand of metallic structures...
Sep 2, 2020 | News Articles
We theoretically investigated electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) of ultraviolet surface plasmon modes in aluminum nanodisks. Using full-wave Maxell electromagnetic simulations, we studied the impact of the diameter on the resonant modes of the nanodisks. We...
Jul 8, 2020 | News Articles
Ultrafast, high-intensity light-matter interactions lead to optical-field-driven photocurrents with an attosecond-level temporal response. These photocurrents can be used to detect the carrier-envelope-phase (CEP) of short optical pulses, and enable optical-frequency,...