The frontier of information processing lies in nanoscience and nanotechnology research. At the nanoscale, materials, and structures can be engineered to exhibit interesting new properties, some based on quantum mechanical effects. Our research focuses on developing nanofabrication technology at the few-nanometer length scale. We use these technologies to push the envelope of what is possible with photonic and electrical devices, focusing in particular on superconductive and free-electron devices. Our research combines electrical engineering, physics, and materials science and helps extend the limits of nanoscale engineering.
The nanocryotron: A superconducting-nanowire three-terminal electrothermal device
Recent QNN News
Talks at CLEO2021 Conference
Our group participated in the CLEO2021 conference with two talks. You can find the abstracts at the following links: Marco Colangelo - Impedance-matched differential SNSPDs for practical photon counting with sub-10 ps timing jitter Dario Cattozzo Mor - PHz Electronic...
New Publication “Precise, subnanosecond, and high-voltage switching enabled by gallium nitride electronics integrated into complex loads”
In this work, we report the use of commercial gallium nitride (GaN) power electronics to precisely switch complex distributed loads, such as electron lenses and deflectors. This was accomplished by taking advantage of the small form-factor, low-power dissipation, and...
Marco Colangelo named 2021 Claude E. Shannon Award Winner
Congratulations to Marco Colangelo on receiving the Claude E. Shannon Award. This prestigious and competitive award will support his work for one year.
New Publication “Nanoantenna design for enhanced carrier–envelope-phase sensitivity”
Optical-field emission from nanostructured solids such as subwavelength nanoantennas can be leveraged to create sub-femtosecond, petahertz-scale electronics for optical-field detection. One application of particular interest is the detection of an incident optical...
Marco Colangelo awarded IEEE CSC fellowship
Congratulations to Marco Colangelo on receiving the IEEE CSC Graduate Study Fellowship in Applied Superconductivity.