The frontier of information processing lies in nanoscience and nanotechnology research. At the nanoscale, materials, and structures can be engineered to exhibit interesting new properties, some based on quantum mechanical effects. Our research focuses on developing nanofabrication technology at the few-nanometer length scale. We use these technologies to push the envelope of what is possible with photonic and electrical devices, focusing in particular on superconductive and free-electron devices. Our research combines electrical engineering, physics, and materials science and helps extend the limits of nanoscale engineering.
The nanocryotron: A superconducting-nanowire three-terminal electrothermal device
Recent QNN News
New Publication “Electrostatic electron mirror in SEM for simultaneous imaging of top and bottom surfaces of a sample”
The use of electron mirrors in aberration correction and surface-sensitive microscopy techniques such as low-energy electron microscopy has been established. However, in this work, by implementing an easy to construct, fully electrostatic electron mirror system under...
New Publication “Nanoscale refractory doped titanium nitride field emitters”
Refractory materials exhibit high damage tolerance, which is attractive for the creation of nanoscale field-emission electronics and optoelectronics applications that require operation at high peak current densities and optical intensities. Recent results have...
New Publication “On-chip sampling of optical fields with attosecond resolution”
We demonstrate an on-chip, optoelectronic device capable of sampling arbitrary, low-energy, near-infrared waveforms under ambient conditions with sub-optical-cycle resolution. Our detector uses field-driven photoemission from resonant nanoantennas to create attosecond...
Owen Medeiros awarded NDSEG fellowship
Congratulations to Owen Medeiros on receiving the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship. This prestigious and competitive award will support his work for three years.
Emma Batson and Owen Medeiros awarded NSF fellowship
Congratulations to Emma Batson and Owen Medeiros on receiving the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. This prestigious and competitive award will support their work for three years. a